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SSH key files

These are used as an authentication method to replace the password when logging in with.

Generating the files

You’ll need a public and a private key file, the private key file is for and for you only. It shouldn’t be shared with anyone and shouldn’t be posted anywhere. The public one can be shared freely.

You can create the files by doing $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"

The -C stands for comment, it doesn’t have to be an email, it can be anything, it’s like an optional identifier. Give it a name (, set a password) and you’re done.

Adding the key to the server

Copy the contents of the XXX.pub to the server in /home/<USER>/.ssh/authorized_keys file, create the .ssh/ directory in the users home directory if it doesn’t exist.

GitHub SSH key

If you have a key on your GitHub profile you can import it with ssh-import-id


Follow these steps (the Server Guides) to harden your SSH server. These steps are for the sshd_config file.

To apply the changes to SSH and the SSH daemon by restarting them.

Changing the port

This will prevent automated scanners/bots and other unsophisticated threats from attempted to login. This allows for security by obscurity, someone scanning your server will find it.

in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file change # Port 2 to Port <random_digits> for example, Port 496.

I recommend you look through this Wikipedia page to find a port number that isn’t used by another application.

⚠️ Allow the new port through your firewall

Disabling root login

Allowing root login through SSH is bad practice, you can always login to your user and escalate to root by doing su root or sudo su.

Disabling password authentication

Since we’re using key files there’s no need for passwords, uncomment and change the lines to no.

A banner will be displayed at the start of the SSH connection and the Motd after a successful login.

Create a file like this:

$ cat /etc/ssh/banner
*                                                        *
*           Unauthorized access is prohibited.           *
*         Any attempts are logged and monitored.         *
*                                                        *

Then change #Banner none to Banner /etc/ssh/banner in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.


  1. Create or edit the /etc/motd file and add your preferred text.
  2. Set PrintMotd to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
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