iconBjarne Verschorre


What is a Vanity Onion Url

A vanity url is just like any other onion url, but you can choose the first few characters of the url. For example, my vanity url is http://bjarnev3[...].onion/.

You can get such urls by generating a lot of urls and checking if they match your desired prefix.

Using mkp224o

mkp224o is a tool that can generate vanity urls for you.


You can use the docker

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/keys ghcr.io/cathugger/mkp224o:master -d /keys PREFIX


You can also build the tool yourself

sudo apt install gcc libc6-dev libsodium-dev make autoconf
git clone https://github.com/cathugger/mkp224o.git
cd mkp224o/
Usage: ./mkp224o FILTER [FILTER...] [OPTION]
       ./mkp224o -f FILTERFILE [OPTION]
./mkp224o <PREFIX> -n 1

Using your Vanity Url

Once you’ve generating atleast one url (one set of keys), you can use it in your tor hidden service configuration.

sudo mv <PREFIX>*.onion/* /var/lib/hidden_service/

Retart the tor service

sudo systemctl restart tor

You should now be able to access your hidden service with your new vanity url.

← Hosting a Tor Hidden Service