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🔒 Total withheld posts: 2


Webpage with SQLi and file upload vulnerability. Escalate to root by abusing a script that runs as sudo.


A Ruby webserver with a template injection vulnerability, leading to a reverse shell and brute-forcing hashes for a privilege escalation to root.


Simple webserver with a contact form vulnerable to XSS. Escalate to root by abusing a script that runs as sudo.

Hacker vs Hacker

Someone has compromised this server already! Can you get in and evade their countermeasures?


I made a website where you can look at pictures of dogs and/or cats! Exploit a PHP application via LFI and break out of a docker container.

Daily Bugle

Compromise a Joomla CMS account via SQLi, practise cracking hashes and escalate your privileges by taking advantage of yum.